- eoos::api::Collection<T>
- eoos::api::Guard
- eoos::api::Heap
- eoos::api::IllegalValue<T>
- eoos::api::Iterable<T>
- eoos::api::Iterator<T>
- eoos::api::List<T>
- eoos::api::ListIterator<T>
- eoos::api::Mutex
- eoos::api::MutexManager
- eoos::api::Object
- eoos::api::OutStream<T>
- eoos::api::Queue<T>
- eoos::api::Runnable
- eoos::api::Scheduler
- eoos::api::Semaphore
- eoos::api::SemaphoreManager
- eoos::api::SequenceContainer<T>
- eoos::api::SmartPointer<T>
- eoos::api::StreamManager
- eoos::api::String<T>
- eoos::api::System
- eoos::api::Task
- eoos::api::Thread
- eoos::lib::AbstractBaseString<T,R,A>
- eoos::lib::AbstractBuffer<T,A>
- eoos::lib::AbstractList<T,A>
- eoos::lib::AbstractTask<A>
- eoos::lib::AbstractThreadTask<A>
- eoos::lib::Align<T,S,A>
- eoos::lib::Allocator
- eoos::lib::ArgumentParser<T,L,A>
- eoos::lib::BaseString<T,L,R,A>
- eoos::lib::BaseString<T,0,R,A>
- eoos::lib::Buffer<T,L,A>
- eoos::lib::Buffer<T,0,A>
- eoos::lib::CharTrait<T>
- eoos::lib::CircularList<T,A>
- eoos::lib::Fifo<T,L,A>
- eoos::lib::Guard<A>
- eoos::lib::Heap
- eoos::lib::LinkedList<T,A>
- eoos::lib::LinkedNode<T,A>
- eoos::lib::Memory
- eoos::lib::Mutex<A>
- eoos::lib::NoAllocator
- eoos::lib::NonCopyable<A>
- eoos::lib::Object<A>
- eoos::lib::ObjectAllocator<A>
- eoos::lib::Register<R>
- eoos::lib::ResourceMemory<T,N>
- eoos::lib::ResourceMemory<T,0>
- eoos::lib::Semaphore<A>
- eoos::lib::SharedPointer<T,D,A>
- eoos::lib::SmartPointerDeleter<T>
- eoos::lib::SmartPointerDeleterArray<T>
- eoos::lib::Stream
- eoos::lib::String
- eoos::lib::Thread<A>
- eoos::lib::UniquePointer<T,D,A>
Class «eoos::lib::Memory»
Memory manipulator class.
- eoos::lib::Memory
static T atoi(char_t const* str, Number::Base base = Number::BASE_10);
static bool_t itoa(T val, char_t* str, Number::Base base = Number::BASE_10);
static void* memcpy(void* dst, void const* src, size_t len);
static void* memset(void* dst, int32_t val, size_t len);
static char_t* strcat(char_t* dst, char_t const* src);
static int32_t strcmp(char_t const* str1, char_t const* str2);
public: static T atoi(char_t const* str, Number::Base base = Number::BASE_10);
Converts a string to an integer number.
str — A character string that would be converted to a number.
base — A numerical base used to parse the string.
The resulting number, 0 if an error is occurred.
public: static bool_t itoa(T val, char_t* str, Number::Base base = Number::BASE_10);
Converts an integer number to a string.
val — A value that would be converted to a string.
str — A character string for a result of the conversion.
base — A numerical base used to represent a value as a string.
True if the conversion has been completed successfully.
public: static void* memcpy(void* dst, void const* src, size_t len);
Copies a block of memory.
dst — A destination array where the content would be copied.
src — A source array to be copied.
len — A number of bytes to copy.
A pointer to the destination array, or NULLPTR if an error has been occurred.
public: static void* memset(void* dst, int32_t val, size_t len);
Fills a block of memory.
dst — A destination block of memory would be filled.
val — A value to be set.
len — A number of bytes to be set to the value.
A pointer to the destination memory, or NULLPTR if an error has been occurred.
public: static char_t* strcat(char_t* dst, char_t const* src);
Concatenates two strings.
dst — A destination character string where the content would be appended.
src — A character string to be appended.
A pointer to the destination string, or NULLPTR if an error has been occurred.
public: static int32_t strcmp(char_t const* str1, char_t const* str2);
Compares two strings.
str1 — Character string to be compared.
str2 — Character string to be compared.
The value 0 if the string 1 is equal to the string 2; a value less than 0 if the first not match character of string 1 has lower value than in string 2; a value greater than 0 if the first not match character of string 1 has greater value than in string 2; or the minimum possible value if an error has been occurred.
public: static char_t* strcpy(char_t* dst, char_t const* src);
Copies one string to another .
dst — A destination array where the content would be copied.
src — A character string to be copied.
A pointer to the destination string, or NULLPTR if an error has been occurred.
public: static size_t strlen(char_t const* str);
Returns the length of a passed string .
str — A character string would be measured.
The length of the passed string, and zero if NULLPTR given.