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Interface «eoos::api::SmartPointer<T>»

Smart Pointer interface.

public: virtual ~SmartPointer();


public: virtual T* get() const;

Returns pointer to the managed object.

Pointer to the managed object or NULLPTR if no object managed.

public: virtual int32_t getCount() const;

Returns amount of smart objects for the managed object.

Amount of smart objects manage the same object, if no managed object, 0 is returned.

public: virtual bool_t isConstructed() const;

Tests if this object has been constructed.

True if object has been constructed successfully.

public: virtual bool_t isNull() const;

Tests if this smart object does not manage any object.

true if no object managed.

public: virtual bool_t isUnique() const;

Tests if this smart object is only one manages an object.

true if this smart object is one, otherwise false.

public: virtual void reset();

Releases the managed object.

public: virtual void reset(T* ptr);

Replaces the managed object with a given object.

ptr — An object to replace the managed object.

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